It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.

-Wisdom of Confucius


Monday, 31 December 2012

Darwin the IKEA Monkey

Darwin the IKEA Monkey

On December 9, 2012, IKEA shoppers were surprised to find a monkey dressed up with a diaper, wandering around. When the Animal control took over, Yasmin Nakhuda claimed that the monkey (Darwin) was hers. The government would not let Nakhuda keep her monkey because it’s against the law to own a monkey. Nakhuda would do anything to get her monkey back.

Some people think that Nakhuda should be able to keep Darwin. If taking the monkey to an animal shelter is supposed to help him, then it’s not working. Darwin was screaming and crying when he was being taken away. Why? That’s because Darwin has already bonded with his owner, Nakhuda. Now, Darwin is probably locked away in a foreign place, all lonely. Instead of helping him, they ruined the monkey’s life. Imagine being a monkey that lived with a human for years. Suddenly, a cage drops down and darkness fills the air. How would it feel to be separated from a loved one? However, there is a law. “No Non-Human Primates (Such as Gorillas and Monkeys)” The law also states “No Canids, except the domestic dog” If a domestic dog is so much different than a normal/wild dog, then a domestic money is no monkey. What does the word ‘domestic’ mean?

Merriam-Webster: any of various animals (as the horse or sheep) domesticated so as to live and breed in a tame condition.
Cambridge Dictionary: an animal that is not wild and kept as a pet or to produce food.
The Free Dictionary: any of various animals that have been tamed and made fit for a human environment.
Longman: 5. A domestic animal lives on a farm or in someone's home.

In most of those dictionaries, the word ‘tamed’, ‘not wild’, and ‘home’ pops out a lot. Darwin is a tamed animal and made fit for humans. He doesn’t attack and lives with Nakhuda peacefully. Yasmin Nakhuda is like his mother and a child should not be separated from its mother.

However, others are against Yasmin, and think that she shouldn’t keep Darwin. It is illegal to do so, making Nakhuda against the law. The law states that in order to own a monkey, there must be a license (as a vet, animal control, etc.) Yasmin Nakhuda does not have a license of any sort. Also, scientists said that monkeys are high social animals, and they need to stay with their kind. Nakhuda was separating the poor monkey from his own kind. In order for Nakhuda to keep Darwin, the government will have to change the law completely. If that happens, everyone would go buying monkeys, pandas, gorillas, etc, that will eventually create disorder in communities. Parks would turn into zoos and monkeys will replace dogs. Then, they will show up in shelters—hundreds of them being put to sleep each day. There will be backyard breeders breeding monkeys, until monkeys aren’t monkeys anymore. All this comes from one act: letting Nakhuda keep her monkey.

Yasmin Nakhuda should be able to keep Darwin. He is domesticated and he probably misses his owner a lot. Maybe that’s why animals—like monkeys—have an instinct to fear humans. Humans are so unpredictable and sudden, how can animals trust humans? Animals have a mind and soul. Letting Nakhuda keep Darwin is not just Nakhuda’s benefit, but also Darwin’s. If monkeys need to be with their kind, Darwin thinks that Nakhuda is his kind. Right now, he is being tormented silently, without anyone to reassure him. Is this what shelters do? Lock poor animals away in a cage and then keep them away from freedom? No. Things need to change. They need to change in a good way, where everyone’s happy. If nothing happens, the government is stressed, Nakhuda is heart-broken, and Darwin must be terrified! Nakhuda is leaving Canada, to a place where she’s permitted to own a monkey. If the government intends to make everyone in Canada leave to own a monkey, then leave everything as it is. Nakhuda should get a license to keep Darwin, and the whole case would be dropped.

Sunday, 16 December 2012


Ce video est apropos du le braconnage. Mon professeur m'a introduit à Prezi, un Powerpoint online. Voici le video du mon Prezi.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Running Away

Running Away


There once was a 9-year-old girl named Becky. She had big blue eyes and always keeps her hair in a frizzy braid. You can tell that she’s a girl who doesn’t like problems. Her best friend Rosella was one of the plain girls, who aren’t afraid of anything. When there is a problem, Becky would run to her bedroom and cry on her bed. When there is an event at school, which she dislikes, she ditches that day. When there is a big storm in winter, she also stays home and bawls. Sometimes, when she has to wash the nasty, horrible dishes, she’d fly straight to her trusty room. Rosella keeps telling her to face problems head on. She once made Becky understand– once.
She was quite pleased with her work. However, when Becky cried because her mom wouldn’t buy her a pussycat, Rosella gave up. After a while, Becky thought, Hey! Always running away works! So when she had to rake leaves, she cried. “Time for bed?” “No!!” When she couldn’t fix her hair one day, she cried for hours.

After years, it became a habit. At school, some time in spring, Rosella said, “Becky, stop! Running away won’t solve anything! You have to just face-it! Don’t be the scaredy-cat that you are!” Becky, after hearing that, scrunched up her face, and had a meltdown. Rosella sighed then left.

One day at noon, Becky’s mom came to pick Becky up. Everything was a rush and a minute later, she was at the hospital. “Father!” she gasped, seeing her dad’s dead body. “He died from a stroke!” wailed her mom. Becky didn’t – couldn’t believe her beady, swollen eyes. She ran all the way home, locked herself in her room, and began weeping. Once in a while, she would call for her dad, still not believing herself. On the fifth night, she stopped. Yes, it was a sad event, her dad just passed away. But the fact was that he was dead. No way around that. She cleared her tear-stained face, went downstairs and lived like usual with her mom. From then on, she never ran to her bedroom to cry again.


Sunday, 9 December 2012

Le Dialogue

Le Dialogue

Kaitlyn : Notre sketch est appelle le montre.
Sabrina : Qui est le voleur ?
Ensemble : Dum da da !! / Dum da da !! / Duhh …
Kaitlyn + Shirley : Dans la scène du crime…
Sabrina : Le tapis est le zone de camera. Et ça c’est le même chose.
(Sabrina est le frère de Kaitlyn et elle regarder les objets)
Sabrina : Hm … Est-ce que je veux ça, ou ça ?
(Apres quelques seconds, Sabrina aller au Kaitlyn)
Sabrina : Oh, Marie ! Quel coïncidant ! Est-ce que tu te souviens ma fête—
Kaitlyn: Uh, je besoin aller au toilettes ! (Cours)
Sabrina : Il y a les toilettes ici ? Hm !
(Fin de la scène)

(Dans la télé)
Kaitlyn : Bonjour ! Bienvenue à la nouvelle de Canada !
Sabrina : Est-ce que vous avez entendu le vol au centre d’Eaton ?
Shirley : Oui, j’ai entendu.
Kaitlyn : Est-ce que vous avez entendu le meurtre aussi ?
Sabrina : Oui. C’est vraiment grave.
Shirley : Nous allons retourner après le commercial.
Kaitlyn : Est-ce que vous êtes allés au McDonald ?
Shirley : Oui, nous sommes allées au McDonald pour
(Nous mangeons)
Sabrina : Bah da bah bah ba ! Ca c’est que j’aime !
(Fin de commercial)

Kaitlyn : Je retourner et maintenant, il y a une entrevue. Je vais demander a détective Hiver pour entrer.
Sabrina : Bonjour ! Je suis détective Hiver !
Kaitlyn : Est-ce que vous êtes prêtes ?
Sabrina : Oui.
Kaitlyn : Rose Hemmington, entrer !
(Shirley entrer avec les sécurités)
Sabrina : Bonjour !
Shirley : Saluuut …
Sabrina : OK … Alors. Pourquoi vous êtes allées au magasin, hier ?
Shirley : Je suis allée au magasin pour acheter une monte pour la fête de mon chef.
(Sabrins écrire)
Sabrina : Est-ce vous avez acheté … ou vole ?
Shirley : Je n’ai pas vole !
Sabrina : Est-ce que vous êtes sure ?
Shirley : Oui, je suis sure ! Je n’ai pas VOLÉ !!
Sabrina : Vous pouvez retourner à ta maison—
Shirley : JE N’AI PAS FAIT !!!!!!!!!!!
Sabrina : Hm … Vous pouvez faire ca plus facilement pour vous … ou vous pouvez faire la façon difficile.
(Sabrina fait un geste, Shirley sortie avec les sécurités)
Kaitlyn : Nous allons retourner après le commercial.
(Fin de la scène)

Shirley : Je suis allé au Tommy Hilfiger, pour acheter ce chandail.
(Kaitlyn entrée)
Kaitlyn + Shirley : Yo, man !
Kaitlyn : J’aime ton chandail ! Ou est-ce que tu as acheté ?
Shirley : Tommy Hilfiger !
(Shirley et Kaitlyn sorti le stage)
Sabrina : Tommy Hilfiger ! Acheter maintenant !
(Fin de commercial)

Shirley : Bonjour! Maintenant, nous avons une autre entrevue. Marie Steinberg, entrer!
(Kaitlyn entre avec les sécurités)
Sabrina : Bonjour !
Kaitlyn : Salut !
(Sabrina noté)
Sabrina : Pourquoi vous êtes allées au magasin ?
Kaitlyn : Oh, c’est la fête de mon frère, et il aime les montres. Alors, j’ai acheté.
Sabrina : Pourquoi vous avez acheté celle-ci, et pas un autre ?
Kaitlyn : Parce que c’est populaire.
(Sabrina noté)
Sabrina : Est-ce que vous avez acheter … ou volé ?
Kaitlyn : Oh non ! Non, non ! J’ai acheté !
Sabrina : Vous pouvez aller maintenant.
Kaitlyn : Au revoir !
(Kaitlyn sorti avec les sécurités)
Shirley : Nous allons retourner.
(Fin de la scène)

Shirley : Pendant 2020, préparer pour …
Kaitlyn + Shirley : Les deux fille au pique-nique !
(Fin de commercial)

Kaitlyn + Shirley : Sur la rue …
Sabrina : Nous avons une entrevue avec TOI !
Shirley : Qui est-ce que tu penses est le criminel ?
Kaitlyn : Et pourquoi ?
(Kaitlyn demande à Araz, Shirley demande à Erin, Sabrina demande à Mme Sasaki)
Shirley : OK … Alors, la majorité choisir ______________.
Sabrina : Est-ce que ils sont corrects ?
Kaitlyn : Hier, un de ces personnes as montré sa réception.
Shirley : Nous savons qui est le voleur et meurtrier.
Sabrina : C’est …
Kaitlyn : Nous allons retourner.

(Shirley entrée et parler. Après, Kaitlyn entrée)
Kaitlyn : Allo ?
Shirley : Ah ah ah !
(Sabrina entrée avec Shirley + Kaitlyn derrière elle)
Kaitlyn + Shirley : Doo doo doo DO !
Sabrina : Maintenant, dans Wind, tu peux acheter le acheter le neveu MOTEROLA !
Kaitlyn + Shirley : Niew, niew, niew.
Sabrina : Ça c’est le pouvoir de Wind !
(Fin de commercial)

Sabrina : C’est …
Toute la monde : Rose Hemmington !
Kaitlyn : Maintenant, elle est dans la prison.

(Sabrina entrée)
Sabrina : Et ça c’est la fin de cet histoire.