It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.

-Wisdom of Confucius


Monday, 11 June 2012


Hear Us Speak changed me a lot throughout this year. Learning about Child Labor affected me and probably many on my friends. In a way, we were bonded closer together and we began to understand each other even better. When Hear Us Speak started in January, the class jumped to the idea. Without knowing, the campaign chanced us to be better people.

Our logo
When Hear Us Speak started, I was afraid to share my ideas. I was shy and uncertain about what I should do. Many times, I really wanted to share my ideas but fear held me back. However, now I feel safe and happy to share my ideas because my class respects what I say. Our meetings turned into a safe place where I could share my ideas and thoughts. I became braver each time I went to a meeting. I started to share my ideas in class as I became unafraid. That was very important to me because as a child, I never spoke to anyone. I always listened and nodded instead. My parents kept worrying so they tried to train me. Even though I started to speak more, I was very quiet and y teachers had to lean very close to hear what I was saying. My parents no longer worry about how quiet I am because I am starting to speak louder and more often.

The campaign also changed my attitude towards learning and helping. I am eager to help people in my school and neighbourhood whenever they need my help. The campaign made me see that I should help the people who need me. Also I am eager to learn more about child labor so I can, along with some help, stop child labor. Whenever I go home, I go straight to the computer to research about child labor. Very quickly, I gained a better understanding about the situation in some other countries and about child labor. Then I applied the eagerness to my school subjects. I started to explore and have fun while I learned and I was more successful. 

In addition, the way I was thinking changed. Before, I only thought of what I wanted and myself. Now I start thinking about the people who are less fortunate and live in different circumstances. Whenever I feel like complaining, I ask myself, “How would I feel if…” It helps me be a better person because I think about others and I don’t take things that other people don’t have like food, water and shelter for granted. Instead, I try to help by not wasting food and conserving water. Many people take things they have for granted and sometimes, they even ask for more. I used to do that but Hear Us Speak opened my eyes and what I saw were people who didn’t have water or food while we simply turn the tap and go to a store. I feel guilty after what stupid and inconsiderate thing that I have done and what I have asked for. I try to help by doing little things like conserving water. I also encourage my family members to do the same.

Some emotions I felt throughout the year were anger, gratefulness and a craving to help. I was angry because the factory owners first lie to the parents of the children promising them a better life then braking that promise and treat the children like machines, never paying them more than a few cents. I was grateful because I don’t need to go to work like the children in Third World Countries. Also, I have the necessities; food, water and shelter. I go to school with a great learning environment and have a better chance to be successful while girls my age in other countries walk miles to get a few buckets of water. Finally, I am grateful for a loving family and caring friends. Many people do not have friends and get sold so they cannot see their parents of family. However I cannot go to Third World Countries everyday to help but I have a craving to help people. So instead, I help people in my neighbourhood. I help my neighbor carry her plants from the parking lot and I give a loony to any one I find n the subway station that needs my help. I am changing into a better and more helpful person.

Hear Us Speak is a great campaign and it changed me throughout the year. It helped me find my voice, it changed my attitude toward new subjects, it made me see the world differently and it made me more helpful. These traits will help me in the future. I had a great year of Hear Us Speak and I can’t wait to continue the campaign next year.

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