Growing up, I was very shy and for most of grade 1 to 5, I would bury my nose in books. I am a fan of historical fiction and so reading books about Russia, France, England etc. made me curious about their lifestyles and cultures. Sometimes lost about what is happening in the books I’ve read, I began to research about the particular country. I became more and more curious. In my research, I also came across many global issues.
In elementary school, I wasn’t very socially active and kept to myself. I didn’t participate in any fundraisers or clubs, except Silver Birch. However, in grade 6, when I helped organize my first fundraiser, my eyes opened to the world around me. I began to have deeper understandings of many issues like discriminations and global warming. After organizing that fundraiser, I began to feel as if I could change things and I started to crawl out of my shell. I have then started to help and organize fundraisers and join clubs.
I am generally a serious person and I can focus on tasks easily, which I think would help me in the IB program. I work well in groups as well as independently. Other helpful traits are self regulation and time management. I think that these traits will not only help me get through IB but also to thrive in it.
My hobbies are reading and music. Reading lets me find another view on situations and can bring me into the author’s point of view. I started playing piano at the age of 7 and I have earned my grade 6 certificate and I am now reaching for my grade 7 certificate. Many times, I wanted to quit piano as I could never reach the right key or my tempo was always wrong. Still, I held back the tears and persevered and in the process, I became more determined in all my works, not allowing myself to give up.
My career goal is to become a doctor and I hope that I would find a path trough IB. Ever since I was in grade 4, I wanted to be in medics. I watched some documentaries on medics to try to understand how different diseases and viruses affect the body. I also research about breakthroughs in medical history and the history of medics. I would like to take Science and Math and have a better understanding of how the body functions and body parts.
To me, IB is a chance to pursue my dreams. It is the door to my hopes and the pathway to my future. It is the source of satisfaction for my thirst of knowledge and my increasing curiosity.
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