It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.

-Wisdom of Confucius


Thursday, 31 December 2015

Effects of Technological Advancement

In the last decade, we have seen a wave of innovation and technological development. We can easily speak to family and friends halfway across the world. Our lives are simplified with the use of electricity to power our lights, our stoves and our heating. With all this current technology, our lives are simpler than ever. However, as modern lifestyles become increasingly convenient, the earth is becoming increasingly polluted. Industrial development and consumer waste have set us on a course for disaster.

A US study found that air pollution in China kills approximately 4,000 people per day primarily due to the use of coal as an energy source in many industries and for heating in households. Over the course of three decades, industrialization and rapid growth of technology have taken its toll on the land, leading to deteriorating air, water and soil quality in the economic powerhouse. the poor quality of the air around the habitants contribute to stroke, heart disease and lung cancer and account for roughly 55 percent of all Chinese deaths.

Deforestation a large factor of climate change. As vast swatches of forests is being cleared for farms, industries and housing, deforestation contributes to habitat loss and subsequent extinction of many species as well as erosion, it also impacts the carbon cycle. Furthermore Hundred of billions of tons of carbon is stored in trees. Mass deforestation not only lessens the amount of carbon stored, but also releases carbon dioxide into the air.

The sinking of the state of California is well known as well as the cause. By draining the underwater aquifers, Californians transformed the vast desert into a flourishing cornucopia. Nonetheless, with all the water being sucked out to irrigate crops, large vasts of land are deflating like a leaky air mattress. To repair the sinking will cost millions as the sinking destroys bridges, canals and highways

Our advances and achievements in technology is a double-edged sword. Ironically, in order to maintain the health of humans, as well as the earth, developments and technological advances in other sources of energy is needed. Although initially costly, investing in cleaner and greener means of energy will preserve the globe.

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